By: Jennifer Perez July 10, 2017

“Your tongue contains the power to strengthen, heal, and build up—and it also holds the power to destroy.” – Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Ever since our kids were little, we’ve had a saying in our house when it comes to the way we use our words.  When one would make a statement about another that wasn’t nice, we’d ask, “Now, were those ‘build up’ or ‘tear down’ words you just used?”  They’d only have to think about this for a second to realize that what had just come out of their mouth wasn’t kind, and definitely weren’t “build up” words.

How many times have you said something you immediately regretted?  You’ve probably lost count!  James 3:8 calls the tongue “a restless evil, full of deadly poison.”  With a reputation like that, the tongue sounds impossible to ever tame!  Contrary to public opinion, God’s Word offers us hope and clear instructions for controlling our unruly tongues.

For the month of July, Nancy issued a special challenge for the community of “Revive Our Hearts” listeners called the 30-Day Power of Words Challenge.  For those who signed up, Nancy is sending a daily email with short reflections along with helpful resources designed to encourage and equip listeners to speak life-giving words.

For me, the timing of this challenge was perfect as I spend more time with my kids at home this summer and overall, I desire to practice controlling my tongue rather than letting it control me!  I want my words to bring blessing and encouragement to others even while my own heart is being transformed.

I hope that you’ll consider joining me on this journey and even share this content with your listeners.

Read how some listeners are responding to this challenge:

Everyone tells me I speak before I think. I don’t mean to be hurtful, but that is what it seems like. I’m praying this will help me think before I speak, and that the words of my mouth will be acceptable in God’s sight.

Thank you, again, for doing this study. I am really enjoying it. The Lord is opening my eyes to areas of need, and helping me with my speech. Praise the Lord!

Nancy provides more practical help, particularly for moms this month on the daily broadcast including an interview this week with Jani Ortlund, mom of 4, who talks about missional-minded parenting and grandparenting.

Get more details about these programs and upcoming series in July’s Program Tool Kit.


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