A Milestone of Faith and Inspiration

At Ambassador, we’re overjoyed to celebrate a remarkable milestone—Joni Eareckson Tada‘s 75th birthday on October 15th! For decades, Joni has been a beacon of hope, faith, and inspiration, touching countless lives through her unwavering commitment to Christ and her powerful voice in Christian broadcasting.

Joni’s Broadcasting Legacy:

Throughout her incredible journey with us, Joni has not only shared the gospel but also her personal testimony of grace, resilience, and the love of Christ. From her first broadcast to the countless lives touched along the way, Joni’s story is one of faith in action.

Here are just a few snapshots of her journey with partners in broadcasting:

A nostalgic glimpse into Joni’s early days of radio, capturing her passion and dedication as she began her journey in Christian broadcasting.

A behind-the-scenes moment with Joni and Al Sanders, showcasing the teamwork and faith that fueled her early broadcasts.

Joni deep in concentration, recording while reading from her notes—a testament to her commitment to sharing God’s word with clarity and heart.

Share the Celebration with Your Listeners

As part of Joni Eareckson Tada’s 75th birthday celebration, we have a 1:00 audio spot from her husband, Ken Tada, that you can use on your station starting October 1st. Stations can download the spot below and use it to encourage listeners to visit the Joni and Friends website and leave their own birthday messages for Joni.

Share Your Messages & Memories:

We invite you to be part of this special celebration by sharing your personal messages and memories of Joni in the comment box below. Whether it’s a note of gratitude, a cherished memory, or simply well wishes for her birthday, your words will mean the world to her.

For those who would like to send a card, please send your best wishes to:
30009 Ladyface Court / Agoura Hills CA 91301

What Friends are Saying
  • Phil Johnson


    We are grateful to God for you. Your sweet spirit, clear testimony, and unshakable faith over all these decades is an encouragement to all of us, Thank you for the consistent way you have made the gospel clear, always giving glory to the Lord for His work in your life. You’re a special encouragement to me.

    • Joni Tada

      Oh, my dear Phil, my longtime Grace Church friend!! Thank you for your kind words of encouragement on this big birthday! It means so much to hear from you and to know that my perseverance inspires you on!

  • Gordon Okuley

    Joni, you are and have been an inspiration to millions worldwide! Congratulations on your milestone 75th birthday! May this be your greatest year yet, filled with hope, Holy Spirit leading, and continued inspiration to one and all! Gordon Okuley, WJCS 89.3 FM, “Your Station for Inspiration!”

    • Joni Tada

      Gordon! How good to hear from my friends at WJCS!! And I know your words of congratulations on my big 75th are echoed by everyone at the station. Give them my thanks!

  • Gordon Marcy

    Dear Joni,

    Happy 75th Birthday! Today we celebrate not just the passing of another year, but the incredible impact you’ve had on countless lives. Your unwavering faith, strength, and courage have been a beacon of hope and inspiration for so many. Your words, your music, and your advocacy for those with disabilities have transformed lives and brought the light of Jesus into places of darkness.

    I remember first hearing your story and being deeply moved by your God-given resilience and grace. You’ve shown us what it means to live a life of purpose and joy despite challenges. Your work with Joni and Friends has made a profound difference, and whether through radio or digital platforms, your personal journey continues to inspire and uplift.

    On this day of reaching such a significant milestone, may you be surrounded by love, joy, and the warmth of those who cherish you. Thank you for your incredible contributions and for letting your faith shine so brightly and for making a lasting difference in the world and for eternity. Here’s to celebrating you and all the beautiful ways you’ve touched our hearts.

    Wishing you a blessed and joyful 75th birthday!

    With heartfelt admiration and prayers,

    Gordon Marcy

    • Joni Tada

      My dear Gordon… dear, dear Gordon. How your words move me! I don’t deserve such accolades, but I embrace happily the fact that my life story has inspired you along your journey. As I always say, onward and upward!

    • Joni Tada

      Gordon! Your words of encouragement HUMBLE me! How grateful I am for your birthday wishes and may I always strive to live up to your kind message here! Onward and upward…

  • Sandy Chupp


    I couldn’t help but chime in when I saw this birthday milestone. You are an incredible example of encouragement through the years. Thank you for the encouraging letters and emails you sent me thanking me for sending you things on behalf of Nancy. For being willing to provide video greetings and participate in different Revive Our Hearts events where I have observed you always giving God the honor and praise He deserves. You have been a godly example that has made an impression on me. Happy Birthday! Sandy Chupp, Executive Assistant to Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth (Revive Our Hearts)

    • Joni Tada

      Oh, Sandy, with as busy as Nancy is, I’m surprised you found time to send me a BIG happy birthday wish! Your words of encouragement touch me deeply… and I stand ready to help ROH in any way I can in 2025. Give Nancy a hug from me and Ken!

  • Candy Houghton

    You are such a blessing Joni! Words cannot adequately describe the immense impact your sweet spirit and faith has had on people. We are grateful and thankful for you Joni, and I pray the Lord blesses you abundantly on your 75th birthday! God Bless You Dear One!

    • Joni Tada

      Oh, and you are the dear one, Candy!! Thank you for your kind words of encouragement on my big 75th!!

  • Wayne Taylor

    Warm greetings along with our best wishes on this special birthday from the staff of the Mars Hill Network!
    Over the years you have been a friend to all of us as you share your heart and ministry over the Mars Hill airwaves. Your familiar voice and always cheerful greetings have been a welcomed breath of fresh air to the ears of listeners throughout upstate NY and across the border into Canada.
    I personally recall the times spent with you and kind hearted staff at the NRB Joni and Friends diner. Wonderful fellowship topped off by lots of laughter, moving updates, and our singing of hymns will never be forgotten. Thank you for helping to make happy ministry moments in so many radio partner lives. God has truly…made you a blessing.

    • Joni Tada

      Yes, yes! And my favorite part of our NRB station manager dinners was always the hymn singing at the close, as well! Thanks for sharing that special memory, dear Wayne… and thanks for celebrating my big day with me and Ken!

    • Joni Tada

      Yes, yes! Wayne, MY favorite part of our NRB station manager dinners was ALWAYS the singing of hymns at the close. Thank you, kind sir, for your birthday wishes… and I’ll be singing “Love Lifted Me!” as Jesus certainly has!

  • Becky Ross

    We hear over and over from our listeners the impact you make in sharing the hope of Jesus you have found in your own life. Your impact goes deeper than that, as our staff is also so blessed by all that you do. Christian radio can be tough. We often don’t see the difference we make, and trust God to take our message where He wants it to go. When we find encouragement, as we do through Joni’s messages of hope, it makes all the difference for us as a staff and energizes us to keep on keeping on. May God bless you on your 75th birthday!

    • Joni Tada

      And Becky? You simply MUST tell your staff how heartened I am to know that my life story inspires them on. Thank you for wishing me well on my big birthday!

  • Jay Payleitner

    Joni, I was producer for a live interview you did at NRB back in 1990. Your grace, humor, authenticity, and vision shone through. I think back often about that experience and it has inspired me ever since. We’ve crossed paths a few more times, mostly thanks to the good folks at Ambassador. Blessings to you, Ken, and the millions of people whose lives you’ve touched.

    • Joni Tada

      Oh, Jay, you are more than thoughtful to post such a memorable message as, yes, I do recall times at NRB when we did an interview or two. How wonderful to embrace your big birthday wishes!!

  • Heather Zander

    Happy Birthday, Joni! You have made such an impact on so many lives. As a girl I was introduced to your story, marveling at your strength. When I read your book, I marveled at the grace of God which was magnified through your struggles. Then when my husband, Mike, and I ventured into running a Christian radio station, and our family trekked all the way to Nashville to enter into the realm of the NRB, my own 3 small children were thrilled to meet the radio personality/powerhouse saint who encouraged even their little hearts. In their eyes (and ours too) you are the rockstar of the Kingdom! (“Mom! Dad! We met JONI!!!”) Thank you for your faithfulness, and vulnerability, your godly example and your humility. Enjoy your day, dear sister!

    • Joni Tada

      Oh, oh, OH! Heather!! You really must tell your 3 children (who are probably adults now) how your message here BLESSED me! I never thought of myself as a powerhouse, but coming from the hearts of little ones, I ‘get it!’ Thank you, Heather for your wonderful wishes on my birthday… and your family’s story, too.

  • Jim Schneider

    Three-quarters of a century? Amazing! Happy Birthday Joni! Thank you for being such an inspirational blessing to all of us! Your constant radiance of joy is contagious and brings peace and calm to many in our listening family. Thank you for your testimony which is touching the lives of many! On behalf of the VCY America family, may God bless you richly on your 75th!

    • Joni Tada

      Jim! What a treat to hear from you on my big birthday!! And please thank EVERYONE at VCY how grateful to God I am that He has sustained me in my wheelchair all these many decades! And please ask VCY friends to pray I can keep going as long as God has ministry for me to do!!

  • Jim Sanders

    What an amazing blessing you are to the world, Joni. Such a wonderful Ambassador of God’s profound grace through your ebullient joy. What a blessing to celebrate God’s faithfulness to you these 75 years, and your faithfulness to him in Ministry. I’m voting for your visage to be to be on the Mount Rushmore of Christendom!!

    • Joni Tada

      WHAT?! Like… there’s a Mt. Rushmore of Christendom?! Well, if there were, I’d vote for you and Diane. You two have invested so much in the kingdom of Christ by giving the prominence and influence of the Ambassador platform… not only for me, but for everyone who has worked with you, sir. (I wonder if those people called you sir)?! Bless you for the birthday wishes, my awesome birthday buddy!

  • Mike Arena

    An awesome milestone for you and a testament of God’s faithfulness for the rest of us! From Voice for Christ Ministries’ radio stations all across Alaska, blessings and peace to you and your family…

    • Joni Tada

      God bless you, Mike! We love you and the rest of the amazing team at Voice for Christ Ministries!! Stay warm up there as the weather changes!

  • Russ Garrett

    Congratulations and warm wishes for a WONDERFUL birthday, Joni! You are indeed a huge inspiration to many – including myself. Thank you for allowing God to use you to touch hearts, encourage the weary and remind us of the great hope we have in our Savior Jesus!! Keep serving Him well with all the strength He gives. 🙂

    • Joni Tada

      Thank you, Russ, for making my birthday so bright… and, yes, I intend to keep serving our Jesus as long as he gives me strength in this wheelchair!

  • Ross McCampbell

    Happy Birthday Joni! God bless you! From your WBCL family.

    • Joni Tada

      I love hearing hearing from anyone at WBCL, especially you, Ross! Thanks for wishing me a great birthday!

  • Carol Henry

    Happy 75th Birthday Joni! You are so loved and celebrated. You have been a blessing and inspirations to so many and God has so used you to impact the lives of millions with His love and Salvation. I was blessed to meet you at NRB some years back and the love of Jesus so shines forth out of your countenance. I pray God gives you many more fruitful years to serve Him. My husband recently entered Heaven April 12th and my heart grieves much for him but thankful for the hope of Heaven. He built 8 Christian Stations in the 49 years we have been in Radio, and we carry your program on all our stations. Keep serving well. We love you.

    • Joni Tada

      Oh, Carol, I’m so looking forward to seeing your husband in heaven and, until “we all get together” on the other side, may God be your comfort and hope! And thank you for your birthday wishes!!

  • Ron Hutchcraft

    God knows we need pictures sometimes. Especially when it comes to invisible truths. Like hope when it’s dark. Joy when life’s hard. Faithfulness when you feel like quitting. Love when you just want to be all about yourself. Praising when you just want to cry. God’s given us a picture of that kind of life. He’s given us Joni. So, Joni, we loudly celebrate your 75 years as God’s mega-watt light in our lives. Another birthday is God’s way of saying, “Your work is not done, my child.” And we say, “Hallelujah!”

    • Joni Tada

      WOW, Ron… what encouraging words! And thank you for agreeing that my work here on earth is not yet done! Onward and upward, friend!

  • Brad Mattes

    Thank you for being a dear friend and fellow pain warrior. The Pain Pals has been an oasis in our difficult world of pain. An inspiration of the Holy Spirit through you. Happy, happy birthday! I pray that God will continue to bless us with your friendship and spiritual and physical encouragement. It’s such an understatement to say you are a blessing — but you are!

    • Joni Tada

      Oh, my dear fellow Pain Pal! Thank you, Brad, for your well wishes as my birthday is coming up fast… so glad we can encourage each other on in our journey together through some low valleys and high mountains!!

  • Cynthia Murphy

    Joni, Happiest birthday to you! You are a light to the world and to me! As a young artist in high school, I studied your art and was amazed at your ability to create such lovely works with tools held in your mouth. You used your talent for the glory of the Lord! Thank you!

    • Joni Tada

      Thank you, my fellow artist, for your birthday wishes… onward and upward, Cynthia, into another year!

  • Mike Matthews

    Happy Birthday, Joni! You have many fans in Castro Valley, California and in the Bay Area who have learned so much from you. They want you to know how much you mean to them, and they thank you for all your years of broadcasting!

  • Sonya Hines

    Joni, your singing brings me joy! Happy Birthday!

  • Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

    Precious Joni, Robert and I, along with the ROH family, join the vast chorus of friends worldwide who give thanks for the gift of your life. Anytime I feel weary in the battle or wish for an easier calling, my head is lifted up and my weak knees strengthened by thinking of you and how you continue to be poured out for our King and the gospel–giving thanks and singing as you serve Him and others. May He grant you fresh springs of strength, grace, and joy as you press on to the finish line just ahead. At the sight of His dear face, we will know in a richer, sweeter way than ever, that it was worth it all. HE was worth it all. You are dearly loved.

    • Joni Tada

      Oh, dear Nancy, your birthday wishes move me with GREAT joy, and great excitement for the work ahead, and the Rest we all will enjoy when that last soul enters the kingdom of Christ. Such an honor to know that I encourage you… and you encourage me with your faithfulness to God’s calling, your perseverance, your grace under enormous pressure, your desire to know our Savior, and I could go on and on. Suffice to say, thank you for celebrating my special day with me and Ken!

  • Mike

    Thanks for your ministry of encouragement through your radio and many other ministry outreaches. Thanks for shining your light in this dark world.

  • Michael Shelley

    Joni! Happy Birthday (you don’t look a day over 30!)!! You are such an encouragement to me! I remember the first time I met you. I was a student at Toccoa Falls College and I had the wonderful opportunity to interview you. We have made it a point to stay in touch ever since. Thank you and Ken’s friendship over the years.

    • Joni Tada

      Thank you, Michael, for your encouragements… nothing feels finer than shining the light of Christ, no matter when your birthday is!

  • Kay Taylor

    Happy Birthday Joni! I thoroughly need and enjoy your devotions as I have felt lost since 2018 after a huge life shift. I can’t tell you how much your honesty and heart mean to me personally. I hope you have a great birthday! Thank you for everything you do!

  • Greer Bascom

    Dear Joni! There are no words to tell you how thankful I am for you. I have loved you for so many years. Your choice to live your life in service to the Lord is such an example to us all. Your beautiful smile cheers us and reminds us that because of the Lord we can find joy and beauty in any circumstance that he allows to come into our lives! Thank you Joni! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

  • Suellen Borrett

    Hi, Joni!! My name is Suellen, I’m brazilian. 30rd years ago my father give me the book by your history when I was a teenager. I read all the book in a few days and never forgot the young lady paint those painting with her mouth and her signature “PTL” – Praise The Lord! God bless you all your days! You are an inspiration! Happy birthday!

  • Jennifer Perez

    Big Birthday Blessings to you, Joni! It is a blessing to know you and serve you as part of our work at Ambassador. Your ministry has been a part of my life since I was a teen and I’m so grateful for your example as someone who continually keeps their gaze fixed on Jesus. Thank you for your witness in leading so many to the Lord and encouraging the Body. Hope that this is a memorable birthday and a year ahead full of His goodness and blessing for you and Ken!