Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
Nancy says of the ministry of Revive Our Hearts™: “It is our desire to take the listener deeper into God’s Word, to reach people with the life-changing message of revival and biblical womanhood.”
Nancy’s love for God’s Word permeates every program and message not only in her radio broadcasts, but also in the True Woman Movement, where millions of women’s lives have been impacted as she calls them to revival and biblical womanhood.
Nancy was raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in a family committed to Christ and to world evangelization. As a young girl she surrendered her life to Christ and to serving His Kingdom.
An accomplished pianist, she graduated from the University of Southern California with a degree in piano performance. She later became Primary Children’s Ministries Director at Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, Virginia.
But since 1980, Nancy has served on the staff of Life Action Ministries based in Niles, Michigan. And until 2001 was the Director of Women’s Ministries and editor of Spirit of Revival magazine.
On September 3, 2001, Revive Our Hearts™ launched on stations nationwide, carrying over from Elisabeth Elliot’s program, “Gateway to Joy”-a woman greatly admired by Nancy and who remained a friend and mentor until Elisabeth’s death in June, 2015.
Today Nancy’s half-hour program, Revive Our Hearts™ and her 1:00 feature, “Seeking Him” are heard daily on more than 1200 radio outlets.
There’s no question that Nancy is a gifted writer-her more than 18 books having sold over one-million copies, including Lies Women Believe, A Place of Quiet Rest, and Seeking Him.
Nancy is a much sought speaker throughout North America as well as in other countries and since 2008, Revive Our Hearts™ has hosted several True Woman and Revive Conferences with 64,000 women attending in the launching of a movement back to biblical womanhood.
Thousands of calls, letters and e-mails are received from listeners whose lives have been impacted and changed. Thousands of women are embracing God’s purpose and plan for their lives as a result of the Revive Our Hearts™ message, compellingly and passionately taught and lived out each day by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.
On November 14, 2015, Nancy married Robert Wolgemuth in a ceremony focusing on their mutual hearts for the journey in which God has so clearly led them.
Learn More
>> Contact Jennifer Perez at or 949-681-7635
You Can Trust God to Write Your Story (co-authored with Robert Wolgemuth): published 2019
Seeking Him (updated edition; co-authored with Tim Grissom): published 2019
Lies Women Believe (updated edition): published 2018
Adorned: Living out the Beauty of the Gospel Together: published 2017
True Woman 201: Interior Design (co-authored with Mary Kassian): published 2015
The Wonder of His Name: published 2014
The Quiet Place: published 2012
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About Nancy and Robert
Welcome to My Bookshelf – Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth (August 2023 Update)
Hear Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth on these programs:

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth is the teacher for Revive Our Hearts, a daily 25:00 radio program calling women to a life of surrender, sacrifice, service, and Spirit-filled living.

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth takes cues from everyday life to challenge listeners to seek God in a daily 1:00 feature.

Revive Our Hearts recently launched a new half-hour weekend edition of the program.