Voiced by veteran broadcaster Ron Hutchcraft, “A Word With You” (4:30 daily) features captivating illustrations along with biblical insights for daily life. Winsome, practical, and inspirational, Ron’s long years at the microphone and his life experiences make for deep and highly-listenable content.
— Carolyn Simmons, Program Director of KROA-FM
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“A Word With You®” is a broadcast outreach of Hutchcraft Ministries whose core objective is to “bring the lost to the cross.” In addition to radio, Hutchcraft Ministries includes “On Eagles’ Wings®” (which is dedicated to bringing the hope of Christ to Native America), the “A Life that Matters” 13-week Bible study series, the “Go M.A.D. with Doug & Brad” podcast, and the new “Your Hope Story®” free six video small group curriculum to equip everyday believers to share the Gospel.
One Family, One Heart, One Mission
(An Introduction to Hutchcraft Ministries)
See where it airs on the program station map.