By: Katie Burke February 8, 2018

She was so close to having an affair—but didn’t.  What stopped her?  An email from Focus on the Family.

The subject line read, “Affair-Proof Your Marriage.”  Perhaps you saw it too.  The email was sent to thousands on January 30, 2018 who subscribe to Daily Broadcast Direct (manage your preferences here).  But how many of those who saw it were on the verge of shattering their marriage?  We know of at least one – a woman who called the Focus on the Family Help Center.  Here’s the amazing report of what happened as told by the person who took her phone call: 

She has been struggling with “stepping over the line” to have an affair with an old friend from her past. Today, she received an email notification about our broadcast featuring David Carder, and she felt that was a sign from God.  Our counselor was able to talk with her about setting up hedges in her marriage and to seek counseling to address the issues she and her husband are facing.  She appreciated the listening ear and encouragement, along with the counseling referrals, information for Hope Restored and many helpful resource suggestions.

Focus on the Family exists to offer biblically based help and support – no matter how difficult.  Their counseling staff provides free consultations and referrals to local qualified marriage and family therapists.  You can play a vital role in getting people this kind of help.  Direct your listeners to the Focus on the Family Help Center.  Download four new :30 radio PSAs that address they key life areas:

  1. Disaster
  2. Marriage
  3. Parenting
  4. Personal

Each :30 radio PSA invites listeners to call 855-771-HELP (4357) and visit

Join us in the work of being a “first responder” to the urgent needs of those in your community.  Hearing one of these PSAs may just be the “sign” someone will use to reach out for help.

Download Help Center PSAs >>


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