By: Evelyn Gibson September 1, 2016

When I picked up my phone today, I heard Bob Barnes say: “Emilie passed away yesterday afternoon.”

It was my privilege for well over a decade to serve as Ambassador’s representative working with Emilie Barnes on her radio program, “Keep it Simple!”  And in the process I got to know a woman who exemplified her well-known brand, “More Hours in My Day.”

More hours for thousands of women across the country who learned from Emilie how to efficiently deal with details of their home, raise their children, support their families and friends, become expert in every detail of “home,” making it a place to treasure.  And how many scores of young children have grown up with memories of “Emilie’s Tea Parties?”

It was always her goal that by a well-ordered life, women would have more time for prayer, Bible study and the people in their lives—and always to be achieved in a lovely setting!

She authored over 70 books, traveled countless miles for speaking engagements, hosting tea parties, and always a popular interview.  Emilie Barnes is a household name to millions of women.

But none of that is what I’m thinking about on this day.

I’m remembering that in the over a decade of radio feature recordings, she never missed one session that was scheduled.  Never!  Not even in the 7 years she battled cancer over and over; when the chemo treatments or the bone marrow transplant made her so weak.  There were times when Jim Sanders and I would help hold her microphone while she sat up against a pillow—to record “Keep it Simple” time after time.
She never complained.  And she always wanted to hear about what was going on in our lives.  Funny.  Bright.  Lots of fun.  She was a hoot to be with!

Emilie was indomitable!  I’m so glad to have known her.  I’m a richer woman as a result.

Emilie passed away yesterday afternoon.  Heaven’s gain.

Evelyn Gibson
Ambassador: We Connect.  Ministry and Media.

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