By: Lee Ann Jackson May 13, 2019

My dad was a man of few words and as such, when he’d speak, I’d listen.

He had his favorite quotes like,

It’s better to let people think you’re a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt.

He also had his humorous side,

I’m never wrong. One time I thought I was wrong, but I was mistaken.

(It actually still makes me smile when recalling him admitting he was “wrong”  . . . once.)

I always knew there’d be a nugget of take-away when my dad spoke – a life application or, at least, something humorous.

Whenever Anne Graham Lotz shares, whether in her radio programs, books or speaking, I also know there’s going to be nuggets of take-away . . . nuggets of Biblical take-away.

In the spring ministry newsletter, Anne shares,

While I’ve been sidelined from my speaking schedule and have been homebound for months due to chemo treatments and radiation, praise God — His Word is unbound!

I love that – it means no matter what . . . no matter what you face today, no hardship, no disappointment, nothing can stop His Word – it’s unbound!

One of Anne’s prayers has been that the ministry to which God has called her would continue uninterrupted through every means possible except her travel and personal appearances and as she notes,

God’s answer to my prayer has come through letters, emails, and social media emphasizing that even though I am bound, God’s Word is not!

Anne closed the recent ministry with this heartfelt request,

Join with me in continued prayer for God to breathe His life into all of our audios, videos, books, Bible studies, and radio broadcasts so that in these last moments of the last days, He will use us to draw people into His Word that they might know Him better.

God’s Word loose . . . unbound! Now there’s a take-away to share!


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