Program Specs
Title: Hope out of Tragedy: A Christian Response to Pregnancy by Rape
Speaker: Brad Mattes
Heard Daily on Life Issues
Format: 26:00 Radio Special
Air Date: Sanctity of Life Sunday
January 21, 2024*
*May be used throughout the month
Contact: Lee Ann Jackson
Listen to the Promo
For many Americans, the argument for abortion often lands on the topic of rape—shouldn’t abortion be allowed in such difficult situations?
In this year’s all-new special programming created in conjunction with Sanctity of Life Sunday (and the annual March for Life in Washington DC), host Brad Mattes answers the concern with a powerful reminder of the value of every human life.
Joining Brad, President of Life Issues Institute, are two guests who speak eloquently out of personal experience (see below).
A veteran in the pro-life movement, Brad has a Master’s degree in Biblical Studies and Biblical Counseling. He has a particular heart for fathers of aborted children and often counsels those in such grief.
Every day of the week, Brad Mattes speaks on behalf of the sacred gift of life. In addition to the longtime popular short feature (“Life Issues”), last year a weekend long-form edition (“Straight Talk on Life Issues”) was added to help provide more in-depth insight on issues confronting our culture. The weekend is co-hosted by Victor Nieves who provides a strong pro-life view from the 20-something age bracket.
Tool Kit
Download Graphics here.
30 Second Promo is available to download here.
A free downloadable list of 10 Reasons Why Abortion After Rape is Not Compassionate is available on the Life Issues Institute web site. The resource is designed to equip your listeners to be a force for life when others believe abortion is an acceptable exception for rape.
Your Next Steps
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Download the supporting graphics for your website, social media, and newsletter—to get the word out to your listeners about these specials. DropBox Link.
About Brad Mattes
A veteran of the pro-life cause . . .
With over 40 years of significant contribution and recognition in the pro-life movement, Brad Mattes is widely known in the United States and worldwide for his passion for the preborn.
He is the commentator for the daily Life Issues program, heard on over 1,300 radio outlets nationwide and is the co-founder and president of Life Issues Institute.
As president of the organization, Brad is responsible for the global objective of Life Issues Institute: to develop and disseminate effective pro-life education.
Abortion doesn’t erase the trauma of rape, abortion makes the situation worse.
— Brad Mattes
Special Guests:
Mark Roepke
When Mark’s mother was just 14 years old she was raped at a July 4th party. His mother bravely kept the child, placing him into a loving Christian home through adoption. Years later, Mark is a strong defendant of life, speaking publicly at a DC rally and delivering a message so impactful it went viral with millions of people sharing his story. “The circumstances of my conception do not determine my worth as a human being.”
Ayala Isenberg
When Ayala was a child, she was repeatedly sexually abused for years. When she was 15 years old, she became pregnant through rape. Amazingly, despite the tragedy in conception, Ayala actually felt love for the child and fought to keep it. Sadly, she miscarried and lost her daughter. Now Ayala is a powerful advocate for life with a significant presence on social media where she vigorously defends the truth that every life is sacred.
Contact Lee Ann Jackson for more information regarding the special.
lee@ambaa.com | 949-681-7644