By: Haley Jessup September 8, 2017

“But as for me, I steadfastly persevere … Let the Lord’s will be done. I will proceed for Jesus Christ is in control …”  —Martin Luther

As a millennial, it’s hard to imagine what life was like 500 years ago. There was no email, no texting, and definitely no Instagram 🙂 … but the hardest to fathom is that the Bible was not yet translated into common languages.

With the touch of a finger or the click of a mouse, I’m able to pull up whatever Scripture I want and when I want it. And on top of that, I can pull up a myriad of translations to choose from.

I am beyond grateful that today, I’m privileged to reap the reward of the sacrifices of the men and women who were willing to risk everything five centuries ago for the right of the common person to read the Book of all books!

This year, October 31st marks the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, and in celebration of this remarkable story, Museum of the Bible presents “1517: From Wittenberg to the World,” a new 26:00 radio special created to help listeners understand the impact of the Reformation.

Listeners will hear dramatic vignettes highlighting Luther’s story and unique insights from museum scholars as they’re invited to take a front row seat in remembering an event that forever changed the course of history and Christian theology.

Audition Today:

You’re already permissioned for the special via FTP! Log in with your regular credentials and go to:
Promos PSAs Standbys/Specials/Museum of the Bible Reformation Special 2017 


Do you air The Book?
We’ve produced 10 Protestant Reformation features that will air as part of this daily 1:00 October 16-20 and October 23-27! If you’re not yet airing The Book, we invite you to air these features as a special series.

*For more information, click here!


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