Equip your listeners to make informed and ethical end of life decisions by airing this year’s Sanctity of Life radio special.
Program Specs
Name: “End of Life: Who Gets to Choose?”
Associated Speaker/Program: Brad Mattes / Life Issues
Type: 26:00 Sanctity of Life radio special
Date: January 15, 2017
Contact: Lee Ann Jackson, 949-681-7644
Listen to the trailer:
In an era of rapidly changing values impacting the sanctity of human life, looms the critical question: At end of life—who gets to choose? In one of the most stirring segments in the special, a practicing hospital nurse tells the chilling account of being hospitalized, and as far as everyone else was concerned, locked in a coma-like state. Yet she was fully aware of her surroundings, hearing the case for immediately harvesting her organs being discussed, with no ability to respond. It’s a story you won’t soon forget!
Brad Mattes, President of Life Issues Institute, presents a most timely special to remind and equip us all in the biblical significance of our right to choose!
*President Reagan issued the proclamation designating Sanctity of Human Life Day to be the third Sunday in January yet the Roe v. Wade anniversary is January 22nd which falls on a Sunday this year. Stations are invited to air the special on either (or both!) Sundays, January 15th and/or January 22nd!
Download these website and social media ready graphics to promote the special on your station!
Your Next Steps
1. Audition
The special is already permissioned on your FTP account for this purpose. Can’t find it? Email ftp@ambaa.com.
2. Confirm
Let us know what date and time you will air the program (email Lee@ambaa.com).
3. Download
Download the supporting website, social media, and newsletter graphics to get the word out to your listeners! Visit this Dropbox link >>
4. Ask
Have questions about the program, content, or supporting assets? Just drop a note to Lee@ambaa.com.
About Brad Mattes
A veteran of the pro-life cause . . .
With over 40 years of significant contribution and recognition in the pro-life movement, Brad Mattes is widely known in the United States and worldwide for his passion for the preborn.
He is the commentator for the daily Life Issues program, heard on over 1,100 radio outlets nationwide and is the co-founder and president of Life Issues Institute, headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio.
As president of the organization, Brad is responsible for the global objective of Life Issues Institute: to develop and disseminate effective pro-life education.