New for Sanctity of Life Sunday 2022
Marking Sanctity of Life Sunday in January, Brad Mattes (President of Life Issues Institute and speaker for the daily 1:00 feature “Life Issues”) hosts an all-new half-hour special that will underscore the pro-life message with encouraging and uplifting input from three special guests. Joining Brad are:
Daniel Wechter, MD is a Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialist based in Michigan who has over 45 years of experience in the field. He also speaks from the very personal perspective of a dad with a Down syndrome daughter. Powerful advocacy for the sanctity of life from a physician’s vantage point.
Jenny Foster is author of “Natty’s Pond—A Memoir” which shares her journey to finding healing and forgiveness after a medically-advised abortion. The traumatic loss resulted in a 20 year path from isolation and shame to acceptance and self-forgiveness.
Matt and Courtney Baker, parents of 6-year old Emmy – they said “yes” to life, holding strongly to their faith, giving birth to their daughter with Down syndrome despite doctor’s advice to abort.
Be encouraged … share the hope of these personal messages … plan to add Say ‘Yes’ to Life! to your broadcast schedule in January!
A wide array of resources available to listeners will also be offered without cost.
For more information, contact Lee@ambaa.com.
Program Specs
Name: Say ‘Yes’ to Life!
Associated Speaker/Program: Brad Mattes / Life Issues
Type: Half-hour Sanctity of Life radio special
Date: Because of the calendar for January 2022, both January 16 and January 23 will be designated as days to mark “Sanctity of Life Sunday.”
Contact: Lee Ann Jackson, 949-681-7644
Graphics: Download web banners & social media graphics (Dropbox)
About Brad Mattes
A veteran of the pro-life cause . . .
With over 40 years of significant contribution and recognition in the pro-life movement, Brad Mattes is widely known in the United States and worldwide for his passion for the preborn.
He is the commentator for the daily Life Issues program, heard on over 1,100 radio outlets nationwide and is the co-founder and president of Life Issues Institute, headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio.
As president of the organization, Brad is responsible for the global objective of Life Issues Institute: to develop and disseminate effective pro-life education.