By: Lee Ann Jackson December 17, 2018

Though not a startling revelation, I was reminded today that often, those who travel through the most difficult of journeys, are the ones who inspire the most.  I believe this to be true for as  Joni Eareckson Tada has shared, “God always seems bigger to those who need Him most.”

Following surgery to remove a tumor and now undergoing preparations to begin radiation, Joni encourages others with this update:

Well friends, I am back in the boxing ring again–battling cancer. Following in Christ’s footsteps isn’t easy but my hope is that I can help encourage you as we walk this journey together.

I know what God is doing within me is far more important and lasting and real than anything that could be done to me.  This entire battle is all about the glory of God.  And I pray the same for you, whatever trial you are facing right now, know the good things God is doing within are far more lasting, far more real, and important than anything that will ever be done to you.

In the video, Joni references Eugene Peterson who wrote about a scarred veteran who had “visited the extremes.”  She acknowledges her chronic pain, chemo, radiation, quadriplegia and yet, she’s quick to note, “It’s okay” and shares, as 1 Peter 2 says, “To this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in His footsteps.”

She prays the same for others  . . . “whatever trial you’re facing right now, know that the good things God is doing within you are far more lasting, far more real and important than anything that will ever be done to you.  And that’s a good word to start your week.”

Indeed, a good word for everyday!

P.S. Too good not to share, here’s a glimpse of the comments folks have left on Joni’s Facebook post of the video (leave your comment below and we’ll be sure to pass it along to Joni for her encouragement!):

  • You are amazing . . . that you would encourage me.  What a gift you are for so many.
  • Joni, words cannot express how much I appreciate you.  I am praying for you and Ken.  Ever since I was 16 (I’m 47 now), I’ve always felt “if Joni can do it and rely on Jesus, so can I!”
  • You are such a GREAT example of His LOVE no matter what is up ahead.


What Stations are Saying
  • Scott Keegan

    I am so encouraged by your godly spirit as you continue to battle issue after issue in your life. Why does God permit a quadriplegic to live well beyond what is normal in such cases? Because He knows you will respond with grace, humility, and encouragement concerning God’s purposes in our lives! I am sure there are many times when you would just as soon leave it all behind and enter into His presence with thanksgiving, but He keeps you here. And your responses to your battles help far more people than you could possibly imagine! May God continue to give you His strength as you face these struggles and bring Him the glory through it. You are well-loved by many of us, Joni!

    • Lee Ann Jackson

      Thank you for sharing, Scott . . . we will be sure to pass along your thoughtful regards to Joni!


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