By: Lee Ann Jackson May 7, 2018

It’s the longest conversation recorded between Jesus and any person. Though a story I’m familiar with, it’s only as I’ve recently studied the book of John that the importance of the words Jesus shared with the Samaritan woman at the well, became clearer to me.

Jesus’ longest recorded conversation began when he asked the Samaritan woman at the well for something to drink. What followed was a dialogue between a woman focused on the law and Jesus, whose focus was on grace.  Truly, what the Samaritan woman had done in her past didn’t matter in the eyes of her Redeemer for, as she questioned Jesus, he replied less about law and more about the hope and life only He provides – the most important words she would ever hear.

In her video, It’s Personal, posted last week on the Joni and Friends Facebook page, Joni Eareckson Tada shares her testimony about how her life was changed by a dive in shallow water  on the Chesapeake Bay in 1967.  As she shares, she demonstrates just how powerful words are and, how life changing the sharing of His Word can be as she cried out to God following her accident,

“If I can’t die, then show me how to live.”

Thankfully, Joni notes, God put Christian friends in her life that opened up the Bible, shared His Word and showed her that, sometimes,

“God permits what He hates to accomplish that which He loves.”

Joni learned to give thanks, even for the little things, which began to lay the foundation for the birth of the Joni and Friends ministry.  The passion for Joni and Friends is to see people and special needs families embrace Christ, embrace the circumstances that God puts them in, and, embrace life.  Today, included among the many ministry outreaches, “Joni and Friends” and “Diamonds in the Dust” radio listeners are hearing words of courage and comfort which bring hope to suffering hearts worldwide.

Joni’s words and indeed, her life story, are a clarion call . . . what does Jesus need to tell the world through you? What is the living water that can come only from the well He has filled in your heart? May today be the day we all start a new conversation with Jesus, and just see where it takes us!


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