By: Lee Ann Jackson November 27, 2018

Thanksgiving came and went quickly . . . once again.  There was turkey, stuffing and extended time with family and friends for a few days.  There were great conversations about days gone by and about the days ahead.

Unfortunately, such reunions are not always happy ones.  I spoke with a friend right before Thanksgiving and he asked for prayer for his family as they gathered together for the holiday. He explained that inevitably, the conversations around the table got pretty heated on more than one occasion and Thanksgiving dinner had turned into Thanksgiving hors d’oeuvres with relatives leaving before the turkey was carved.

I get that. Just because we’re related or have a close friendship with someone, doesn’t mean we see eye to eye on all things  . . . the minor things, (sports teams, vacation spots, etc.) are just that, small things.  But, what if someone in our family is pro-choice? What then?

Unfortunately for many, abortion is considered a political debate.  And, frankly, it’s a conversation ender. So then, how can we as pro life people, engage our friends and family on this topic?

Life Issues Institute is dedicated to changing hearts and minds of millions of people through education.  They’re committed to educating the millions of people who have not yet made up their minds on the abortion issue and to encouraging, educating and supporting those who recognize the right to life.

As Brad Mattes shares on the daily 1:00 radio commentary, “Life Issues,” abortion is a ruthless killer of babies and endangers the lives and wellbeing of millions of women each year. And no procedure is any more horrific than chemical abortion.

This year’s Sanctity of Life special presents first-hand stories of women experiencing God’s grace, redemption and healing!  In breaking the silence, they’re bringing hope to a new generation of young women.  

A third of all abortions are done with the chemical abortion pill. The abortion industry sells it as “natural, easy and painless.” It is none of these and women are speaking out.  – Brad Mattes

Last year Life Issues Institute brought listeners out of the shadows of sex trafficking in one of the most informative specials of the year.  This year Life Issues Institute is breaking the silence of chemical abortion.

Thank you for contacting me, Lee Ann, about this year’s Sanctity of Life radio special, “Breaking the Silence” … from generation to generation and equipping your listeners to speak out on behalf of the unborn.

(The special is 26:00 and is designed for airing Sanctity of Life weekend, January 20th — listen to the trailer here.)


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