Daily Light for Daily Living

Anne Graham Lotz shares a Scripture verse and gives insight for personal application in her daily 1:00 feature. Her passion is for people to make the life-changing discovery that God’s Word works!

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Station Comments

“Sound, Scriptural and Sensitive…This is why our listeners appreciate Anne Graham Lotz so much on Daily Light for Daily Living.  We’re pleased to broadcast this wonderful feature each day on Bott Radio Network.  I recommend it to anyone interested in blessing their audience with practical insight and wisdom based on the Word of God.”Rich Bott (Executive Vice President), Bott Radio Network

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AnGeL Ministries is committed to sharing messages of Biblical exposition so that God’s Word is personal and relevant to ordinary people. The ministry’s name is derived from the initials of Anne Graham Lotz (AGL) and is especially fitting as angels are messengers of God who go wherever He sends, speak to whomever He directs, and faithfully deliver His Word.  Learn more at annegrahamlotz.org


Program Contact

Lee Ann Jackson

Where it Airs

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More From This Ministry

Anne Graham Lotz presents a weekly 24:55 program calling listeners to live in the light of God’s Word.