By: Lee Ann Jackson September 30, 2019

September 30th is International Podcast Day – an international celebration of the power of podcasts!

To mark the day, here are three of my take-aways from the Podcast Movement Conference 2019, the largest podcast gathering in the nation, held this past August in Orlando:

  • Edison Research Senior VP, Tom Webster noted that “the Podcasting space is a bit of a mess” during his keynote conference speech because as he put it, “there is no longer a clear way to define what a podcast is.”  He also referenced the undeniable growth in podcast listenership and advises podcasters to do three things:

Be where the listeners are because they will encounter your content, not seek it out.

-Live where they are because they are where they are.

-Love where they are because they are not going to be corralled anywhere else.

  • Sheryl Worlsley, Director of Audience Development, KSL Podcasts, shared in the Radio Leaders on Podcasting Strategies session,

You need to edit podcasts depending on content – don’t go any longer than you need to.

  • As Stephen Hart, Brand Alignment Specialist and Podcaster, touched on in his session, Brand, Market and Grow Your Amazing Podcast, it’s important to share applicable stories that bring value to your listeners and that will help your listener base grow:

It’s important to make it content listeners can use and that they’ll be exited about . . . the “Wait, there’s more” kind of content they can engage in and apply to their lives.

Take a few moments today, on International Podcast Day and read more about podcasts on our web site and email me, with questions, feedback or to wish me a happy #InternationalPodcastDay!


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