By: Haley Jessup March 7, 2017

We’re back from this year’s NRB convention and—as I’m reflecting on all of the wonderful moments and connections—I can’t help but feel so moved by my time with Pastor Carter Conlon and the Times Square Church team.

Pastor Carter’s favorite part about the convention is the opportunity to fellowship with God’s people, praying with and encouraging them; and each and every encounter we had was such a testament to that.

After spending just two days with him, I came back to CA motivated to invest more into my prayer life, and I’ve heard the same from a number of station partners we were delighted to meet with.

In fact, I sent my husband the link to his brand new weekly program, “A Call to the Nation,” and when he came home he said, “I listened to the most recent message two times and all I’ve wanted to do since is pray with you!”

Pastor Carter just has that anointing.  His dedication and obedience to the Lord moves people to get back to God … and I’m grateful that both my husband and I have been blessed by his faithfulness.

While there’s so much I gleaned from my time with him, here are just a few quotes you may consider sharing with your listeners:

“Faith sees the answers before they’re manifested.” @carterconlon @TSCNYC (Tweet this.)

“Sometimes, people are not willing to endure the season between ask and receive.” @carterconlon @TSCNYC (Tweet this.)

“It all starts and finishes with prayer.” @carterconlon @TSCNYC (Tweet this.)

“We’re not called to be relevant, we’re called to be real. Culture is changing but God is constant.” @carterconlon @TSCNYC (Tweet this.)

“You’re reading the Bible, but is the Bible reading you?” @carterconlon @TSCNYC (Tweet this.)

What a privilege it is to serve alongside Times Square Church and partner with you in sharing Pastor Carter’s wisdom with listeners nationwide!

What Stations are Saying
  • Tam Shan

    We loved our time with you and the Ambassador team! On behalf of Pastor Carter and the entire Times Square Church team, thanks for all you do! We appreciate everything and pray the Lord blessAmbassador for their service in sharing the Gospel! Blessings.


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