By: Lee Ann Jackson September 18, 2017

My dad’s birthday is this week – he would have been 94.  He went to his eternal home 11 years ago and yet, not a day passes that I don’t think of him . . . he had a strong work ethic, loved music and the written word (among my most treasured possessions are his scrapbooks).

I inherited my father’s love for music, the written word and, I’d like to think, his work ethic.

For those of us blessed with fathers who were such an important part of our childhood, there’s much to be thankful for as we recall them and the legacies they leave behind.

Joni Eareckson Tada shares in a recent blog the impact that her father had (and continues to have) on her life,

I do miss my dad.  He was a pretty wise man, he was.  I can still see his eyes looking into mine – so crystal clear blue.  I can hear his voice saying, “Don’t grasp for the future, Joni.  Pay attention to the present.”  That’s the way Daddy lived; that’s the way he worked.

Joni reflects that her father would say that it is the only way to live,

 . . . Because we often make the mistake of thinking God is always preparing us for “future ministry”  . . . rushing through the present moment too quickly reach the next one.

A quick glance at Joni’s schedule and it’s easy to see where her attention is – on present ministry . . . from the Getty Music Worship Conference on September 19th, to a Joni and Friends ministry event the next day followed by a Special Needs Family Night and then a Disability Conference.  Her nearly two week itinerary of events culminates with giving the message at the Times Square Church on Sunday, September 24th.

Joni clearly heeds her father’s advice to not rush through the present moment too quickly . . . living a life which underscores that there’s “nothing more important than His purpose right now” as, in addition to event speaking, writing (and so much more!), she also records her daily radio programs, “Diamonds in the Dust” and “Joni and Friends.”

Also, per communique distributed from the ministry this morning, thank you for your prayers as Joni and Friends has been asked to restore the mobility lost in the areas impacted by by providing replacement wheelchairs to thousands with disabilities recovering from Hurricane Harvey in Texas and Hurricane Irma in Florida . . . while also presenting the hope available to them in Jesus Christ!

Thank you for your prayers for Joni as she pays attention to the present and, as she notes, rests in His grace to “live this day, right now, in His strength, leaning on His wisdom and drawing on His power.”

(Stay connected with Joni and the ministry through Joni’s blog – we invite you to share this link with your listeners via social media as well as Joni deeply appreciates all the prayers!)


What Stations are Saying
  • Patricia Tom

    Great reminders — I am forever encouraged in Joni’s “task at hand” approach instead of always planning ahead. She’s a wonderful example.

    I too miss my dad who enjoyed music. I miss his laugh but I’m glad he’s up there enjoying some of the best music around and he can hear without hearing aids now. What a heritage and gift our parents are to our lives to prepare us for a future someday without them and they do that for me too, each and every day …

  • Lee Ann Jackson

    Patricia, Thanks for your sweet note – yes, Joni is such a wonderful example, isn’t she? And, 100% with you on being thankful for the gift of our parents and the heritage they’ve passed down. Treasure your dear heart, friend! – Lee Ann


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