By: Lee Ann Jackson December 15, 2022

Instagram has been testing a new feature, which was initially rolled out to a select number of users.  They’ve now formally started releasing Instagram Notes, (think “Post-It Notes”),  to more users.

Here’s what you need to know about Instagram’s new Notes feature:

How do Instagram Notes work?

The feature allows you to send short 60-character messages to groups of your Instagram friends; the message will disappear after 24 hours. Similar to stories, these messages appear for only 24 hours.  However, unlike other features on Instagram, you can only post one note within that 24-hour window.  If you try to post a new note before the 24 hours are over it will delete your previous note.

How to use Instagram Notes

If you don’t see Instagram Notes inside your app, you likely just need to run an update.  If after updating you still don’t see Notes, know that Instagram still hasn’t rolled out this feature to the whole population, so you may not have access yet.

Here are the steps if you want to test out Notes:

  • Update the Instagram app to the latest version on iOS or Android.
  • Open the Instagram app.
  • Go to the Direct Messaging (DM) section, in the top right corner, with a message bubble icon.
  • You should see a section at the top of the page called, “Notes.”
  • Click on the “+” button to add a new note.
  • You can choose to share the note with your “Close Friends” or followers that you follow back.
  • Click ‘Share’ to post your note.

(Here’s a video on how to use Instagram Notes.)

Why use Instagram Notes?

These Post-It style notes may be somewhat hidden in the app and only time will tell is this new feature will be effective and warrant inclusion in a marketing strategy.  Instagram Notes do however, provide a means to interact with your community in a more intimate setting.

While I wouldn’t recommend relying on Instagram Notes as your primary means to share updates with your community, it can be a secondary means to communicate with your audience . . . and that’s always something to consider in a social media strategy!


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