By: May 23, 2017

Do the folks who work in Christian radio know how to have fun? We thought the answer was “yes,” but wanted proof. That’s why we asked friends at some of our favorite stations this question in our recent newsletter:

What’s fun about your station in the summer?

Check the answers in your personal copy of the print edition, or jump over to view the digital version. Want to subscribe? Email and she’ll take care of it!

The responses we got proved that there’s so much that happens outside the radio station walls than what’s heard on-air. Is that true at your station? Chime in with your summer plans below!

What Stations are Saying
  • Robin Robinson

    Sidewalk Chalk Art contest for kids, partnering with our county library to show a family friendly movie at each of their branches, and helping churches to advertise all their vacation Bible school plans!

    • Katie Burke

      Sounds like fun, Robin! I’d love to see photos of the Sidewalk Chalk Art contest…never seen that before. 🙂


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