By: August 7, 2017

Kids sure do say (and do!) the funniest things.  We recently asked some parents we know to share their most humorous parenting stories.  Check out their responses in the August edition of our monthly newsletter! (View the digital version here).

Oh, and if you’re interested in more stories about imperfect parenting, we suggest you take a look at the latest release from Focus on the Family’s Jim Daly.  Read the book review of When Parenting Isn’t Perfect by Ambassador’s Jennifer Perez.

What Stations are Saying
  • Dave Drui

    I came home from work one day and my wife was all excited because our son James had just asked Jesus into his heart. Now, I wasn’t really skeptical, but James was only about 4 at the time so I wanted to make sure he fully understood what his decision was all about, so I asked him “James, did you really ask Jesus into your heart today?”…and with a troubled look on his face he replied, “Yea….now how do I get Him outta there??!”

    Dave Drui
    Program Director KGNW, Seattle, WA and host of Living On The Edge and Focal Point


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