By: Lee Ann Jackson January 16, 2017

NRB 2017 is right around the corner!

No matter how many conventions you’ve attended, the best way to make sure you get the most out of the NRB Convention & Exposition is to plan ahead.

Here are five ways easy ways to do just that:

1. Know Why You’re Attending

For most of us, the NRB Convention is an opportunity to connect with partners in ministry. It’s the one time every year we can meet face-to-face to review and strategize about ministry work for the year ahead, but more importantly, it’s a time to renew and strengthen relationships.

2. Review the Schedule Beforehand

At Ambassador, we’ve already had several meetings looking over the NRB schedule and making plans.  In addition to coordinating our Hospitality Lounge activities and scheduling meetings with ministries we’re privileged to serve, we’re also reviewing the workshop sessions to decide who best to attend which ones.

3. Stroll the Exposition Floor and Hospitality Lounge Row

The NRB Exposition floor boasts dozens of exhibitors and vendors displaying the latest industry information and products – so make sure you carve out a block of time to peruse the floor. And, if we may suggest, take a stroll (or several!) down Hospitality Lounge row in the Convention Center area of the resort – and be sure to pop in the Ambassador Hospitality Lounge (the Anaheim Room!) to say “Hi” and grab some of our home made white chocolate!

4. Network, Network, Network (Or, Fellowship, Fellowship, Fellowship!)

Introduce yourself to the people sitting near you in workshops, while eating, on the Exposition floor, in the Hospitality Lounge – wherever you can.  Also, get the full list of attendees, including company names, phone numbers and, e-mail addresses . . . this will help you continue networking (rather, “fellowshipping”) after you’ve returned home!  (And don’t forget social handles – connecting via Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are great ways to continue cultivating relationships with industry contacts long after #Proclaim17!)

5. Create a Post-Convention Action Plan

After the NRB Convention has concluded, you might be tempted to disregard those business cards you picked up and get back to the business of the day. Don’t! Instead, sit down and create an action plan. Maybe this plan will involve writing a few important e-mails to reconnect with new acquaintances. Maybe it’s calling the new vendor you met in the Exposition hall. Or, perhaps it’s to send a thank you note to a ministry thanking them for the NRB touch point.

Be sure to include Ambassador in your post-convention action plan too  . . . you’ll want to visit our website and Facebook page for NRB afterglow (and pictures!).

And, let us know your tips to maximizing the NRB experience!

What Friends are Saying
  • Steven Hodgson

    Awesome coaching tips for creating high engagement and impact in Kingdom building collaboration. Love point #5 the Post-Convention Action Plan….I’ve missed doing that planning pre-convention and always formulate the plan during the convention.


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