By: Charley Mefferd January 16, 2017

Each day on Share Life Today, Evangelism Explosion’s President, John Sorensen, gives listeners witnessing tips and conversation starters to help equip them to become better at evangelism.  But every now and then, John decides to take a week to focus on a broader topic.  This past week, Share Life Today focused on the spiritual growth of a believer.

John explained that the keys to growing deeper in your faith in Jesus Christ can be summarized in five words:  Bible, Prayer, Worship, Fellowship, and Witness.  Here is some of what he shared:

Bible: The place to begin is your commitment to read the Bible.  The Bible describes itself as God-breathed, useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. It’s indispensable for our growth in the Lord.  Start in the Gospel of John. Read a chapter a day. Read more if you want to, but never less.  Then move next to Acts and then keep going from there.

Prayer:  An active prayer life is one of the greatest privileges of having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  The Bible is God speaking to us, but prayer is us speaking to God.  1Thess. 5:17 tells us to pray without ceasing, which makes us aware of our dependence on the Lord at all times.

Worship: There are two aspects to worship which deepen one’s personal relationship with the Lord.  Personal, private worship is a daily investment of time that pays an amazing dividend.  Daily prayer and reading the Bible provides a one-on-one encounter with Jesus.  It’s the place where His daily grace and strength come into our lives.  Corporate worship is God’s people gathering together at church to engage in prayer, music and the teaching of God’s Word.  Taken together, these two provide for a necessity of spiritual growth.

Fellowship: Christian fellowship not only includes Bible, prayer, and worship, but also includes praying, caring, and developing friendships with one another.  Perhaps this is behind the promise of the Gospel that where two or three believers are gathered together, Jesus is in their midst.

Witness: As you become more and more involved in the first four means of growth – Bible, Prayer, Worship and Fellowship – Jesus Christ will become more and more important in your life. You’ll naturally want to talk about Him.  Witnessing is simply telling others about Jesus and why the Bible says Jesus needs to be important to them.

It’s clear that if we are to share Jesus Christ with others, we must be spiritually fed ourselves! If you enjoy this content and don’t yet air Share Life Today, we’d encourage you to do so.  Please let me know by emailing me at


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