By: Michelle Blood September 4, 2018

“Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.” 1 Thess. 5:23-24

According to John MacArthur

It’s important to distinguish what sanctification is and is not. It is not simply feeling closer to God or experiencing His presence. It’s not a collection of secret insight and personal encouragement from Him to you. And it’s not a vague sense of subjective spirituality—in fact, it’s not measured, engaged, or informed by your emotions or feelings at all.

True sanctification, according to Scripture, is the process of God’s transforming work in your life.

So how does sanctification work?  How does a Christian become more like Christ?

This month on “Grace to You,” John MacArthur turns our attention to this important aspect of the Christian life in a brand-new study titled Christ Formed in You (airing 9/24-28)Whether your listeners are new believers or veterans of the faith, John’s time-tested biblical strategies will be of great help in their spiritual growth.  This week of broadcasts is a must-listen for your audience.  Encourage them to tune in.

As always, there’s more great teaching from “Grace to You” in September, including a powerful series that directs listeners on a pathway that leads them Through Suffering to Triumph.  Coinciding with this study, the ministry will make available to listeners The Power of Suffering.  A very helpful and encouraging resource, especially for anyone asking “Why does God allow suffering?”

For more details, be sure you download the Program Tool Kit here.



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