By: October 14, 2019

How many ministries, programs, and special initiatives can you name that comes from Focus on the Family?

Five?  Fifteen?  Thirty-five?

Don’t ask me the number – I just know the list is long, and the results are good!

I often marvel at the volume of content and ministry activity that goes out from the Focus on the Family headquarters.  With so much happening every day, It can be challenging to keep track of it all!  Well, if you’ll imagine with me for a moment, let’s take a walk through the halls of Focus HQ there on Explorer Drive in Colorado Springs.  Listen in to just a sampling of what’s been happening in the past few weeks  . . .

670,000 Students take a stand

“Bring Your Bible to School Day is a student-led event. It’s up to students to lead and organize the event in their individual schools. It differs from recent climate change walkouts in some notable ways.  First, rather than walking out in protest, Bring Your Bible participants are walking into their schools with a message of hope and an effort to begin conversations.”

–Jim Daly, in an article for about #BringYourBible to School Day.  This year, 670,000 students participated in the October 4th event.  Read the Fox News article >>

Ministry to millennials is a top priority

Thanks to you radio partners who are as convinced as I am that spiritual maturity isn’t a product of age, but of a heart and mind following hard after Christ.  Every day, 20- and 30- somethings are trusting God, serving God and crying out to God, and hearing ‘The Boundless Show’ on their local radio station reminds them that they’re not alone.”

–Lisa Anderson, host of The Boundless Show, on celebrating 5 years on radio.  Recent topics have included mental illness, online dating, and male/female roles.  Learn more about the show >>

Biblical truths reach today’s kids

“Doing unto others is not about what others do, it’s about what you do.”

–John Avery Whitaker, a character on Adventures in Odyssey, as heard on the new season (“More than Meets the Eye”) that started October 5.  Get details on the daily/weekly show options >>

Practical, parental guidance on entertainment

“When October rolls around it’s perfectly reasonable to think that your movie streaming choices might be a little limited.  I mean it is monster movie season.  But while there are scores of terrifying demon nuns, wall-crawling beasties and little boys whispering, ‘I see dead people’ to be seen on your movie streaming site of choice, there are some more approachable (and fangless) pics there, too.”

–Bob Hoose for, in sharing What’s Streaming for Families in October 2019.  Give your listeners insight they need to make wise entertainment choices every day >>

 Thank you for YOUR partnership with Focus on the Family.  It’s because of you that the reach of ministries like those above are extended beyond Explorer Drive in order to help families thrive in Christ.


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