By: Peggy Campbell September 8, 2017

Guess the NICKNAME indicated below and a BONUS point when you name the right state with the nickname.

1-Where honey is made.

2-Roald Dahl wrote of James’ adventure with one.

3-Eden; Coventry; Butchart; et al.

4-One hundred years.

5-Alan Alda character.

6-Dam builder.

7-Brightest of Ursa Minor; used also for something constant and dependable in an ever-changing world.

8-Bill Withers, the Fifth Dimension, Beatles, John Denver, Stevie Wonder—they all sang about it.

9-John Grisham wrote about it “briefly.”

10-Pine, hemlock, spruce, redwood (for example).

What’s the state of your answers? Send them to Peggy to check >>


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