By: Peggy Campbell June 24, 2020

1-What little girls love to do—some big ones too.

2-Per the tune that Al & Joni love to sing, what the saints of God need to do.

3-Be quiet!

4-Lipstick/powder/blush OR restore relationship.

5-Instruction to the Sleepyhead.

6-Behave mischievously OR what you do to a carrot, for instance.

7-Truck, football game, hitchhiker, fast food.

8-Suffer a breakdown OR burst into laughter.

9-What ye/we soldiers of the cross must do, lifting high His royal banner.

10-Three-D books, mostly for kids.

Email your answers for this week’s game to


Answers to last week’s “WHERE THE EGO?” Trivia:

That is, where did the “E” go?

1-Used for cereal / Intestine       BOWL / BOWEL

2-Young boy / Take charge         LAD / LEAD

3-A tiny piece of substance (sometimes in the eye?) / Expressive particularly in acting MOTE / EMOTE

4-Quite / All             VERY / EVERY

5-June is filled with them / ABCDFs       GRADS / GRADES

6-Not him / Not there       HER / HERE

7-Saturday yard chore / Cat’s vocalization      MOW / MEOW

8-Fedora, beanie, cowboy, et al / Passionate dislike            HAT / HATE

9-Marry / CBD         WED / WEED

10-Friend / Passageway between buildings   ALLY / ALLEY


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