Enjoy sharing these radio specials, produced for various holidays and other events, with your listeners. Most of the NEW productions are now automatically distributed to your Amb-OS receiver for speedy review and placement. For CLASSIC specials, you can request from Rebecca@ambaa.com … she’ll direct you to the right archive for audio. For many, you’ll find promotional resources in support of the special so be sure to inquire about that too. And a final reminder that for each annual holiday, we host a Toolkit that includes audio, graphics, linked articles and much more—be sure to check that out too!


A Place Higher than Sorrow

Carter Conlon | Times Square Church
24:55 Special

In a unique consideration of the season and with Philippians 4:6-7 in view, Pastor Carter Conlon shares the real reason we have to give thanks to God when circumstances try to lead us otherwise.

The Legend of Squanto

A Radio Theatre Classic
Radio Theatre | Focus on the Family
2 hour special with time for local spot avails

This audio drama brings to light the story of one of America’s early legends: “Squanto.”  History remembers Tisquantum as the Native American who taught early settlers to fish and farm.  He’s even credited with the first Thanksgiving.  But few hear the story of the condemnation that dragged him outside America to a life in chains and what he discovered after his exile.  It’s an inspiring true story of this little-known early American that triumphed over injustice and changed what would become the United States.



The Spirit of Christmas

New for Christmas 2024
Joni Eareckson Tada | Joni and Friends
Available on FTP and Amb-OS

Music, decorations, sweet treats, and family gatherings all bring joy to the Christmas season. But the season can also bring a sense of pressure to get into the Christmas spirit and make this year’s holiday even better than the last. In her new radio special, Joni Eareckson Tada shares hope-filled insights on how you can create the Christmas spirit. Through Scripture, music, prayer, and practical ideas, Joni, joined by her husband Ken, helps us focus our hearts on Jesus, assuring that we all find the true spirit of Christmas. Discover More >>

Christmas Through The Eyes of A Child

New for Christmas 2024
Carter Conlon | Times Square Church
24:55 Special Available on FTP and Amb-OS

When we’re speaking about Christmas, maybe it would be a good thing if we regained “the eyes of a child” (Matthew 18:3-4). Join Carter Conlon as he remembers and recounts one of the most special times of his life as a young 5 year old growing up in a small, snow filled town. This personal view of Christmas through the eyes of a child will inspire us to see God’s faithfulness and  goodness even when childhood is long behind us.


A Child is Born

A Selection of Christmas Scriptures from the Heart of a Child
Originally Released in 2023
18 x :30 features

A package of 18 x :30s that are the voices of children reciting Christmas verses with customizable close … a Christmas gift from Ambassador to participating stations. (No commercial content whatsoever.)

One Perfect Life

Originally Released in 2014
John MacArthur | Grace to You
2 x 25:00 specials or 1 x 50:00 special

One Perfect Life with John MacArthur relates the story of Jesus Christ in the very words of Scripture, blending all four Gospels in a harmonized life of Christ in celebration of the Christmas season.  The production is offered for station convenience and optimal airing:

PART 1:  “A Son is Given” (25:00) heralds the birth of John the Baptist and the astounding announcement from the angel Gabriel to Mary of the coming birth of Christ. It is Christ coming to earth!

PART 2:  “Immanuel, God With Us” (25:00) transports us to Bethlehem just after the birth of Christ to His life and ministry—culminating in His death, burial and resurrection as King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

For stations wishing to air in totality as an hour-long special (50:00), opt to download From the Manger to the Cross which combines the two Christmas specials above into one seamless dramatization, from Christ’s coming to earth to His resurrection.

Christmas Moments

Ron Hutchcraft | Hutchcraft Ministries
25 x 1:00 features

Hutchcraft Ministries is pleased to continue these 25 classic 60-second gospel spots, voiced by Ron and adult family members Doug Hutchcraft, Brad Hutchcraft and Lisa Whitmer.  Each feature has a Christmas-themed gospel presentation and invites listeners to respond immediately to begin a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

The Christ of Christmas

Originally Released in 2023
John Sorensen | Evangelism Explosion
25 x 1:00 features

Underscoring the opportunity to share Christ during the holiday season when friends and family may be more receptive to that message, John Sorensen has voiced a 1:00 “episode” for every day of December up to Christmas. Each segment features a Scripture and invitation for non-believers to come to Christ. In addition to the audio content, a corollary video is available to stations for posting at station websites or social streams. We’re thrilled for this unique evangelistic tool for all stations to use through the season!

Celebrating Christmas as a Family

Originally Released in 2023
Focus on the Family
1 hour special with time for local spot avails

Gather ‘round the fireplace with the Robertson clan from A&E’s Duck Dynasty while they share their favorite family Christmas stories. In this hour-long special, listeners will hear Phil, Kay, their four sons and wives, Phil’s long-lost daughter, and Uncle Si as they reminisce and recall Robertson family Christmas memories. From duck hunting gone awry to silly Christmas antics, you’ll feel right at home!

A Christmas Carol

Originally Released 2008
Radio Theatre | Focus on the Family
3-part special for 2-hour block/1 hour 39 min.

Charles Dickens was just 12 years old when he saw firsthand the devastating effects of child labor.  He never forgot those images.  In 1843 he wrote a pamphlet titled: “An Appeal to the People of England, on Behalf of the Poor Man’s Child.”  It became the story of Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol.”  Focus on the Family brings to life the story of miserly Scrooge who in one momentous night is confronted by his own lack of compassion—and given the opportunity to change not only his life but others too!  It’s a message that defines the spirit of the season of Christ’s birth, of His loving compassion!

Christmas by Injunction & Shoemaker Martin (Radio Theatre Classics)

Radio Theatre | Focus on the Family
28:00 each (Can be aired in 1-hour block)

Celebrate the joy of the season with this presentation of Christmas classics.  Focus on the Family Radio Theatre presents an adaptation of the story, “The Shoemaker’s Gift,” by Russian novelist Count Leo Tolstoy and “Christmas by Injunction” from O. Henry’s classic work.

Adventures in Odyssey Christmas Marathon

Adventures in Odyssey | Focus on the Family
6 x 30:00 episodes

Episodes include:
• Gifts for Madge & Guy
• Peace on Earth
• A Time for Christmas
• A Lamb’s Tale
• A Christmas Conundrum
• Silent Night

New Years

Wishing for The Old In The Face of The New Year

Carter Conlon | Times Square Church
24:55 Special

Maybe you’re one of those people that are afraid of the present storm that our society is in, or maybe you’re going through one of the most difficult times of your life.

Have you ever considered that there might be a purpose in this beyond what your deepest desire has ever imagined? The truth is, the purpose of God is not always fulfilled in an easy place.

Join Carter Conlon as he talks about the error of wishing for the old in the face of the new year.

Sanctity of Life

Purpose Beyond Pain: God’s Design for Life

For airing January 19
Brad Mattes | Life Issues
26:00 special available on FTP and Amb-OS

We often presume that “Sanctity of Life” Sunday is to underscore the pro-life message on behalf of the unborn.  However, for many, grappling with life is also a later-in-life concern.

Those who face chronic pain also face the temptation to end that suffering by ending life.  In an insightful and encouraging dialog, host Brad Mattes is joined by Joni Eareckson Tada,  Vaneetha Rendall Risner and Barbara Coleman who each have an extraordinary story of persevering through suffering.  In fact, their message is that despite enduring persistent pain, it is possible to live with faith in Christ and joy in the heart.

Listeners will be heartened at the reminder that choosing life can be a lifetime commitment.  Hear from three who chose to stay the course of God’s plan rather than opt for assisted suicide or euthanasia.  Their confidence that God has purpose in pain and an amazing design for their life is a message of hope for us all.

Contact lee@ambaa.com for audition details.


Jesus, My Heart, My Mind, My Life (24:55)

Carter Conlon 
New for 2024

Welcome and thank you for joining us for Carter Conlon’s 2024 Easter special Jesus, My Heart, My Mind, My Life. Colossian 1:27 tells us that Christ in us is the hope of glory. The question is: Who’s glory? God’s, mine, others, or maybe something for all? Carter talks about this glory in the light of the risen Christ, in us, in our time.

For more information, contact Rebecca@ambaa.com.

National Day of Prayer

Are You Sick of Powerless Prayer (24:55)

Carter Conlon 
New for 2024

Thursday May 2nd 2024, marks this year’s National Day of Prayer; and we invite you to join Carter Conlon for an impactful radio special entitled: Are You Sick of Powerless Prayer.

As hopeless as it may seem to some of you who are listening today, you are still key in the plan of God for the future. And the plan of God can’t be fully known or revealed until you and I come to the understanding that it’s time to pray.

To hear this message, join us this National Day of Prayer.

For more information, contact Rebecca@ambaa.com.

Patriot Day (9/11)

“Beyond 9/11: The Impact of Prayer” (28:00)
Carter Conlon
Original Release Date: Patriot Day 2014

In 2001, every eye was focused on Manhattan–and in the midst of the 9/11 tragedy, Times Square Church was at the ready, uniquely prepared to minister in the crisis.  Because they had prayed.  It’s a powerful and deeply moving remembrance of 9/11 … with the strongest of biblical foundations as the platform for impacting our culture then … and now.