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Rooted in Christ: Mujer Verdadera ’20

“Anything that makes me need God is a blessing.”  I was reminded of this quote by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth late ...

Share the Good News of God’s Mercy

More than ever, many of us are beginning conversations, texts, emails and social posts with reference to our Heavenly Father.  ...

Our Ultimate Hope is in Christ

In the last week, the coronavirus pandemic has seized the attention of the nation and the world. Yet even as ...

Faithfully Honoring God

As I was reviewing programming this month from Pastor Carter, I heard him say in one of his upcoming It’s ...

A Christian Response to Coronavirus

I took my old manual typewriter to be repaired yesterday.  The diagnosis:  it has the “Smith-Corona” virus. Too soon?  Maybe ...

Sobering Statistics

In an upcoming edition of “The Garlow Perspective,” Dr. Jim Garlow shares some statistics which indicate a startling and sobering ...

My Kid Quit Attending Church.  Now What?

It’s every Christian parents’ worst fear.  Their child walks away from the faith soon after they move out or go ...

A Tight Spot

It was a typical Saturday morning at our house . . . the kids and I running in all different ...

The Holy Spirit Empowers Us

What does empowerment mean to you? We hear from all forms of media what empowerment means in today’s society. As ...