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Here’s the Good News … But First the Bad

Is the gospel a New Testament concept only?  Where do you first read about God’s redemptive plan—somewhere before Matthew, Mark, ...

Jesus – The God Who Knows Your Name

“Jesus. What comes to mind when you hear that name?” Hearing this question recently caught me off-guard. What do I ...

The Bestselling Book of All Time

I’ve added a new podcast to my library – the BBC’s Deserted Islands.  It’s an intriguing podcast in which a ...

Celebrity Factor

When it comes to celebrities and Christianity, I’m skeptical.  I’m afraid I’ve grown to believe that, in large measure, notoriety ...

Recruiting All Volunteers!

How would you answer these three questions? Why were you born? Where is the pain in your life? What are ...

Am I Really a Christian?

Many true believers struggle with assurance of salvation.  Was it when I “walked the aisle,” or was it when I ...

We Hold Onto Hope

“No matter how far the culture strays from the truth, there is always the hope of redemption in Jesus Christ.” ...

Boy in Wheelchair Awed to See Someone Like Him in Target Ad

You’ve likely seen the picture and read the heartwarming story about the little boy in a wheelchair who was stopped ...

God’s Good and Loving Purposes

Not a week goes by when I haven't heard from a friend or family member who is facing a significant ...