Weekly Insights to the world of Social Media.

Tips, news, insights and more from our Social Media Manager, Lee Ann Jackson.

YouTube Handles – What You Need to Know

Proving that you can teach an old dog new tricks, YouTube is adopting an old idea to offer a new ...

3 Social Media Best Practices

As 2022 begins to wind down, it’s a good time to take inventory of your social media presence in preparation ...

Reels = Reach

Video is a top focus for Instagram right now as video engagement continues to grow. But how significant is video ...

Show Less, Show More – Customizing Your Facebook Feed

In an effort to give users more control over what they on the platform, Meta announced this week that they’ve ...

Social SEO Is Officially a Thing

You’ve likely tapped into SEO, (Search Engine Optimization), for your web site, but are you making the most of SEO ...

How Often to Post on Social Media?

Google “how often to post on social media” and you’ll find a lot of answers – contradicting answers.  One article ...

Best Practices for Using Emojis on Social Media

Emojis for social media have become a common and powerful tool in social media.  Whether you’re using a simple smiley ...

A Quick Dive into Today’s Podcast Climate

One day into the Podcast Movement Virtual Conference, the world’s largest community of podcasters, and it’s obvious - just as ...

Social Media Posting is Risky Business in the Covid-19 World

As someone who spends a lot of time and focus on Social Media, if there is one thing I’ve learned ...